12 months in 12 days: June

December 26, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

group-DaanVerhoeven3950group-DaanVerhoeven3950DCIM\100GOPRO\GOPR3950.JPG June was all about friends. Freediving is a team sport and photography is a collaboration, so it's always about friends anyway, and this June emphasised that. First i had consecutive jobs in Barcelona and Ibiza, which meant i got to visit my friends Louisa, Lynn and Gary from Freedive Ibiza and play in one of the most amazing caves in the world


Then our friend Helena came to visit from Austria, and i'd asked her to bring the traditional dress, a dirndl, to play in in our new studio:

helena-DaanVerhoeven07865-2helena-DaanVerhoeven07865-2 and we got to make friends with a seal - that's always such an honour. They are wild and not used to interactions with humans, so quite shy, but we made sure that we didn't approach them, but let them instigate contact, which they did after a while. I remember feeling so happy we got to visit them, so in awe of their environment and their beauty - and then one of them felt comfortable enough around me to pose for this picture:

seal-DaanVerhoeven08476seal-DaanVerhoeven08476 I was so happy with that - also because after this happened, the seal swam up with me and nibbled my fin. Check out the video:

And then my main Dane Stig Pryds came to visit, so we talked a lot and trained a little, and i asked him to do some upside down underwater yoga, you know, because

stig-DaanVerhoeven09488stig-DaanVerhoeven09488 What a brilliant month that was.


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